We are glad to have many happy and satisfied customers for cotton bolls, cotton seeds, spinning wheels, and many other products over the years. Some of our happy customers are mentioned below.
If you have used our products and would like to be featured here, please contact us.
Cotton Growing at Real School Gardens, Forth Worth, Texas
MRC 270 Cotton growing at Real School Gardens despite the hot weather of 2011 in Texas.
The teachers at the Academy at Carrie F. Thomas and David E. Smith, in Birdville ISD, have been thrilled by these cotton plants currently thriving in each of their school’s gardens and the opportunities it will provide them for teaching about natural resources, plant life cycles, and American history, just to name a few. For more information click Real School Gardens (now Out-Teach)
Ad Spice Promotional Marketing, Durham, North Carolina
Healthy cotton crop at Adspice in Durham, NC
Ad Spice is a full-service promotional products company working with screen-printing and embroidery. They specialize in helping companies reach their target market using well-designed, high-quality, and environmentally friendly promotional products. Their mission goes beyond mere profits to create a positive impact on our community and a lower and more beneficial impact on our planet.
Cotton needs a soil rich with nutrients and compost. It also needs frost-free weather of 120 to 150 days. However, the cotton seeds can be started indoors in a greenhouse or home, and moved outdoors if you have a shorter summer. Cotton needs full sun so plant it or keep the pot in an area where it receives at least 8 hours of sunlight for best growth.
Cotton Plant – Buranda Cotton in New Carlisle, Indiana
Healthy Cotton plant grown in pot by Paul A. Sidorowicz, New Carlisle, Indiana
Cotton plants make great container plants. They need to be started early in spring and grown indoors especially if the temperatures are lower than 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Cotton is not frost-hardy; though a lot of the newer varieties are cold-tolerant.
MRC-270 Cotton Growing in Hillman, Michigan
MRC-270 Cotton Growing in Hillman, Michigan
Cotton plants do well with lots of nutrients for growth. Fertilize the plants with lots of compost or any balanced NPK fertilizer you would use for growing roses or tomatoes. Do not use peat-based compost as it tends to hold a lot of water which cotton plants don’t like.
Cotton growing at Real School Gardens
The teachers at the Academy at Carrie F. Thomas and David E. Smith, in Birdville ISD, have been thrilled by these cotton plants currently thriving in each of their school’s gardens and the opportunities it will provide them for teaching about natural resources, plant life cycles, and American history, just to name a few. For more information click Real School Gardens (now Out-Teach)
MRC 270 Cotton growing at Real School Gardens despite the hot weather of 2011 in Texas.